Tuesday, May 4, 2010


My first year of college is OFFICIALLY DONE! I am so gleeful. I was able to successfully complete this year without:
  • gaining the Freshman Fifteen,
  • failing any classes, and most importantly
  • not jumping off the balcony!!
Grades post on Friday and I am crossing my fingers for straight A's and that 4.0 I've been striving for. The only thing giving me doubt about that is the math final I took this morning. But regardless of how I did on it, I passed the class with at least a B :) And that is all that matters because at the beginning of this semester I was highly considering dropping that class (actually, I went so far as to attempt to add/drop but at the last minute my computer screwed up...hmm,  perhaps it was the cosmic forces telling me to stay in it).
 But all in all, I'm done with my first year and I am confident I got the grades I have been pushing myself for, and to think, I did this all with a toddling toddler in tow.
 Now it is time for 6 weeks of summer bliss!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Everyday should be Earth Day

Today is the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day. Im sure that critics thought "oh these damn hippies and their Environment phase". But the move to "Be Green" is growing and growing each day. Its been 40 years and now people are more Environmentally conscience than ever. Now theres technology to help learn about the environment and ways that we can help it. The use of environmentally-friendly products are catching on with people everywhere.
 I think everyone should be a environmentally conscience. The Earth used to be so beautiful. And yet now the air is polluted, millions of forests get cut down daily, rivers are unclean and theres garbage floating in the ocean getting ingested by the marine life and having adverse effects on them. I feel like we kind of owe it back to Mother Nature for staining Her beauty. I'm not saying everyone should buy a Hybrid car or chain themselves to a tree but there are little, easy, things people could do to reduce their Carbon Footprint, even in the slightest way:

  • RECYCLE...its not that hard, the bins are literally EVERYWHERE

  • Use recyclable bags at the grocery store rather than plastic bags..they are 50 cents you could use over and over and made from post-recycled materials

  • Purchase more recyclabled products...it keeps the cycle going

  • Take shorter showers, or invest in a showerhead that uses less water...some showerheads use up to five gallons of water per minute  

  • Plant a tree...trees are good absorbers of C02

  • Try carpooling or walking/biking more...it eliminates excess air pollution and walking/biking is healthy for you

  • Eat more veggies...animal farms are some of the biggest producers of C02 and other greenhouse gases (I just recently made the decision to go back to being a Vegetarian)

  • Use cold water to wash your clothes and have the water level on your washing machine match the load size...it saves water and energy-- which saves money for your FPL bill
None of those suggestions are too difficult. 
But they all really make a difference.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Anxiety over Seperation Anxiety

Aden has been going through Seperation Anxiety recently. It is like he is attached to me. If I even leave the room he starts screaming and crying. Of course this is worse when I have to leave for school and when I come home and cant even spend that much time with him because I have to lock myself in my room or do homework or study for something. When he is waking up I am getting ready to leave. So he gets really happy to see me first thing when he wakes up, then I have to go. Aden will follow me to the door and will have to be held back so I can actually leave. I can hear his screams and crys all the way down the hall. Despite all the time he spends with my mother, he only reacts like this when I leave. I feel so guilty when I have to leave for school. Hearing him cry and scream and call out "mama mama mama" breaks my heart. It makes me want to turn around, forget about class, and go back and give him a big kiss and stay home with him. But I know I cant do that. I know I have to finish school, no ifs ands or buts.
 I just hate having to leave him when he makes it seem like he needs me the most.

At least I have some weeks off for summer now and can spend all my time with him.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Hmm...so what kind of mom am I?

There are different "classifications" of moms: the Working Mom, the Stay at Home Mom, and even the Work at Home Mom. Out of boredom and curiousity (not the need to label myself) I started thinking: what kind of mom am I? I go to school full time. Technically, I am not a Working Mom because I dont make any money, but I do work my butt off at school. And technically I am not a Stay at Home Mom because I have something that I work at outside of raising my son that requires a lot of time that is not spent with him. So which group do I fit in? Or have I made myself a new group? I asked some friends, some said I was a stay at home mom because I do not contribute financially and others said I am a working mom because going to school is a job. And some said, and I like and agree with this, that I made a new group for myself: the College Mom.
So there ya go, I'm a College Mommy :)


Ah, so I CANNOT wait for summer to get here. I'll finally get a little break from school.

 Though it wont be a full summer break. I am taking summer classes but during the second session, June 24-August 8. I'm taking Speech Communications and Anthropology at Central Campus. I'm actually pretty excited (but mind you, not overly excited) because I am insanely interested by Antropology (well basically any type of Social Science, hence the Social Science Education major lol). Plus its going to be at Central Campus and theres just something about Central Campus that makes me feel like im at a real college campus, which is kind of weird. South Campus just makes me think of a  high school, lol. So im looking forward to getting lost the first day of classes and having quite a distance to walk in between my classes (I say that now, but when im walking to class in 90 degree Florida summer heat I will be taking back my words).

 Other than that I am REALLY looking forward to having the month of May off. My birthday is in May so I plan on doing something special for that. I'm highly considering a weekend cruise to the Bahamas with my girl friends and/or a trip to New York (I've never been to the City in the spring) but, unfortunately, I don't know how probable that is.

Other than that everyday will be spent with my son, of course. I'll take him to the park and to the beach. Luckily, I'll have time now to make playdates for him so he can spend time with kids his own age. Maybe I'll even take him to the zoo! He'd love that. Most of the days will probably be the typical day at home and walk to the park, but I really look forward to having time to actually be able to take him out and do fun things with him.

With 6 weeks off I hope to do a lot of things with Aden. I probably wont get much relaxation, but hey thats motherhood for you. I'm so glad I will be able to spend time everyday with him without having to worry about school. Oh summer, I am SO READY :)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
-Albert Einstein

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New Years Resoultions Revisted

So its four months into the new year and, as it is with resoultions, I havent struck through with one of them. My resoultion was actually a resoultion from LAST YEAR to get to the gym and start working out, instead of just thinking about it. But have I? Nope. I always make excuses not to go: I have homework, I have to watch Aden, Im too tired, I'll go tomorrow. Its like I know I should go, but I come up with reasons not to. But thinking like that is not going to give me the results I want. I need to push, heck, FORCE myself to go. I need to get back into shape. Its sad that I get winded after going up a flight of stairs or chasing after Aden. I need to build endurance and stamina. So I was talking to my friend today about this, about how both of us have been neglecting going to the gym and how we need to go. We even checked out the gym on campus  So next Tuesday we are thinking of going...and hopefully nothing "comes up".